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- FindGraph: versions history
- --------------------------------------------
- 1.702 (25 Sep. 2006)
- + The feature to shear and to twist background image.
- + Add dialog to select the number of points to tabulate function.
- + The feature to keep only the points you selected in 'Prune' dialog.
- + Procrustes analysis:
- a feature to translate, rotate, scale, shear a reference cluster of landmarks,
- so that the distance of each reference landmark to it's corresponding 'experimental'
- landmark is minimised.
- 1.613 (26 Jul. 2006)
- + Second derivative in 'Trace function - tabulate' dialog
- + Show progress bar then starting the digitisation wizard using large background files,
- * Bug was fixed: then using the calibration (digitizing) points
- with coordinates X1 > X2 (or Y1 > Y2) we get error.
- 1.602 (30 Jun. 2006)
- + The feature to determine the coordinate system then digitizing,
- using the calibration points, of which the coordinates are known
- and can be entered.
- + The feature to adjust the plot size to the background image size.
- + 'Scroll View Window'. Use this window to scroll main program window then digitizing
- the background pictures that exceed your monitor size.
- + Double Exponential and Weibull Distribution were added.
- * Bug fixed: the fourier fitting produced a wrong formula although
- the fitting line and table results were right.
- 1.572 (7 Jun. 2006)
- + Scroll graph then trace data.
- + Feature to label selected points.
- + A crosshair digitizing cursor.
- + Several built-in functions were added.
- + Buttons 'Clear' and 'Number' in dialog 'Commentary' were added.
- * to avoid MFC message AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_AUTO_REGISTER "Failed to update the system registry"
- FindGraph Updates Registry only if RegWritePossible
- 1.560 (24 May. 2006)
- + Axis property 'Semi-band'.
- + Histogramm view.
- + Show cursor for selected data in dilog 'Information on points series'.
- + Automation property 'Weighting'.
- 1.555 (01 May. 2006)
- + Feature to find and change scale to view several series on one screen.
- + Table with data and calculated curve and std error in curve fitting dialog.
- + Horizontal legend.
- + Step line style was added.
- + Feature to copy to Clipboard Bezier interpolation endpoints and control points.
- 1.530 (22 Mar. 2006)
- + Version includes a redesigned interface and adds various
- plotting enhancements.
- + Scroll and scale with mouse click on axis area.
- + Data grid in 'transform' dialogs.
- + Feature to change scale to view different series on one screen
- + Feature to apply function in transform-copy dialog.
- + Logarithmic coordinates.
- * Bug was fixed: polar to cartesian coordinates conversion.
- 1.504 (01 Feb. 2006)
- + Added Baseline automatic correction feature.
- + Added Low-pass filter to smoothing models.
- + Closing filter was added (useful to exclude grid lines
- then digitizing).
- * Bug was fixed: Digitize with fixed step.
- * Bug was fixed: Too slow draw data series with number of
- points greater 2000.
- 1.503 (13 Jan. 2006)
- + B-splines interpolation and B-splines least squares approximation.
- + A least squares approximation for parametric
- Sine and Cosine curves was enhanced.
- The number of possible harmonics was increased up to 60.
- + Add derivatives in 'Trace function: Tabulate' dialog.
- * Bug was fixed: add data from clipboard.
- * Bug was fixed in Fourier periodic signals extraction.
- * Bug was fixed: exclude grid lines then digitizing.
- 1.495 (07 Dec. 2005)
- + Bezier interpolation.
- + Use 'Information' cursor to scroll.
- 1.491 (07 Nov. 2005)
- + Fourier periodic signals extraction.
- + Log Scale in FFT (Wavelet) Filters dialog.
- + Scatter diagram and Quality histogram in fitting log.
- 1.484 (16 Oct. 2005) Beta
- + Feature to add Fitting Conditions.
- + Polynomial:
- y = a +b*(x-c)*(x-d)*(x-g)*(x-h)*(x-k)
- Sine:
- y = a+b*sin(PI*x/c)+d*sin(PI*x/g)+h*sin(PI*x/k)
- y = a+b*sin(PI*(x-c)/d)+g*sin(PI*(x-h)/k)
- + Several built-in functions were added.
- + Bring to Front button places the object at the front of the z-order.
- * Bug was fixed in automation method FindGraph.ArrayVar
- 1.483 (15 Sep. 2005)
- + Import from Excel.
- + DateTime format support.
- + Gradient fill.
- + Minor ticks.
- 1.482 Beta (28 Aug. 2005)
- +User models:
- Damped pendulum , A +F*exp(-Bx)*cos(C*(x-D))
- Sine + Line , A + Bx + F*sin(C*(x-D))
- Clapeyron's , A/log(x/B) - C
- Piecewise linear A + C*(x-A), x < A
- A + D*(x-A), x > A
- Piecewise Parabola
- Triangle function
- Rectangle function
- +Polynomial:
- 5th order Polynomial function with center, y = y0 + c*(x-x0) + ... + h*(x-x0)^5
- +Rational:
- Rational5, y = (a+bx+cx2)/(1+dx+gx2)
- Rational7, y = (a+bx+cx2+dx3)/(1+gx+hx2+kx3)
- +Exponential:
- Exponential Decay 3, y = a + b*exp(-u/c) + d*exp(-u/g) + h*exp(-u/k)
- Exponential Growth 3, y = a + b*exp(u/c) + d*exp(u/g) + h*exp(u/k)
- +Logarithm:
- Logarithm 3-1, y = a + b*ln(x-c)
- LogPoly, y = a + b*ln(1+c*x+d*x^2)
- +Logistic:
- Logistic 5, y = a + (b-a) / (1 + ((x-c)/d)^g)
- +Peak:
- Asymmetrical Gaussian, y = a + b*exp(-(x-c)^2/2d^2), x<c else y = a + b*exp(-(x-c)^2/2g^2), x>c
- Asymmetrical Power , y = a + b*(x-c)^d, x<c else y = a + b*(x-c)^g, x>c
- Asymmetrical Sigmoidal, y =a+ b*(1/(1+exp(-(x-c+g/2)/d)))*(1-1/(1+exp(-(x-c-g/2)/h)))
- Pulse, y = a + b*(1-exp(-(x-c)/d))^g * exp(-(x-c)/h)
- Inverse polynomial peak function, y = a + b / (1 + g*z^2 + h*z^4 + k*z^6), z = 2(x-c)/d
- Gram-Charlier peak function, y = a+ b/d/sqr(2pi)*exp(-z^2/2)*(1+H3*g +H4*h), z = (x-c)/d, H3(z) = (z3-3z)/6, H4(z) = (z4-6z3+3)/24
- Edgeworth-Cramer peak function, y = a+ b/d/sqr(2pi)*exp(-z^2/2)*(1+H3*g +H4*h + H6*k), z = (x-c)/d, H3(z) = (z3-3z)/6, H4(z) = (z4-6z3+3)/24, H6(z) = (z6-15z4+45z2-15)/72
- Pseudo-Voigt peak function, y = a + b*(g/d/(1+(2(x-c)/d)^2) + (1-g)/h*exp(-(2(x-c)/h)^2))
- Beta , y = a+b*z^g*(1-z)^h, z = (x-c)/d
- BetaExp, y = a+b*(x-c)^d/(1+exp(x-g)/k)^h
- +Wave:
- Sine2, y = a + b*sin(pi*(x-c)/d)
- SineSqr2, y = a + b*(sin(pi*(x-c)/d))^2
- Fourier3, y = a + d*cos(c*x+b) + g*cos(c*x+b) + h*cos(c*x+b)
- Sinc, y = a + b*sin(z)/z, z= pi*(x-c)/d
- + Gradient fill.
- 1.480 Beta (18 Aug. 2005)
- + Triangulation.
- + Several built-in functions were added.
- + Polynomials (Chebyshev, Legendre, Laguerre,
- Hermite, Neumann).
- + Increase the number of Fourier harmonics to 100.
- + New workspace background color.
- 1.472 (02 Aug. 2005)
- + Added the convolution and the correlation features.
- + Several built-in functions were added.
- 1.462 (04 July 2005)
- + Added curve fitting models:
- Gaussian + Exp, Gaussian + Line, Gaussian + Parabola
- * Bug was fixed: Exp and any function f(u) > 1.e3 disapper from screen.
- + Added Kalman filter to smoothing models.
- 1.456 (29 May 2005)
- + Added Menu item <Analysis><Normalize>.
- * Bug was fixed: Startup with mouse double click exhibited error.
- 1.452 (21 May 2005)
- + Added the ability to plot labels to display the numbers of
- data points and or to display the X (Y, Z) values for data points.
- + The Daubechies Wavelet Tranform for digitally filtering data.
- + Added the ability to to select the arithmetic mean or the
- harmonic mean or the geometric mean to average points in
- 'Transform-Prune' dialog.
- + Several built-in functions were added.
- + Added the ability to recalculate scales to view all data quickly.
- + Polar coordinates.
- + Added the ability to select conform coordinates conversion.
- 1.435 (04 Apr. 2005)
- * Bug was fixed: Startup with parameter exhibited error.
- 1.434 (31 Mar. 2005)
- + Parameters x ( X ) and y ( Y )
- in 'Find best curve fit' Wizard.
- 1.430 (03 Mar. 2005)
- + Feature to find the best equation automatically
- with 'Find best curve fit' Wizard.
- 1.423 (15 Feb. 2005)
- + Feature to read text file and to add all table columns as
- new points series immediately.
- * Convex Hull calculation bug was fixed.
- 1.422 (03 Feb. 2005)
- * Bug was fixed: in <Trace> dialog Findgraph did not copy data
- to the Clipboard.
- 1.420 (12 Jan. 2005)
- + Various plotting enhancements, including different point symbols,
- error indicators and brushes.
- + New plot text formatting features, such as superscripting and
- subscripting, Greek symbols, lines and images.
- + Feature to calculate the arc length (distance along the curve).
- + Parametric line curve fitting model
- X(u) = X0 + A1*sin(u)+...+An*cos(n*u),
- Y(u) = Y0 + B1*sin(u)+...+Dn*cos(n*u).
- + Feature to restore default settings.
- * Bug was fixed. Findgraph does not always extrapolate user defined
- curves.
- 1.412 (10 Dec. 2004)
- + Added Fourier approximation coefficients to Fitting Log.
- + Feature to rotate background image in <Background Picture> dialog.
- 1.411 (01 Dec. 2004)
- + Weighting methods (Statistical, Instrumental, Direct).
- + Error bars. You can specify the size of each point's error bar
- individually (error bar column).
- + FFT Filters to eliminate noise (Transform - FFT Filter).
- + Normalize dialog (Transform - Normalize) to normalize data.
- + Prune dialog (Transform - Prune) to skip rows, and to exclude points.
- + Feature (Transform - Remove) to exclude random spikes or
- to exclude close points.
- + In <Transform-copy> dialog add 'exchange Y-Z' command.
- + Fast Fourier Transformation (dialog 'Number of points')
- + Numerical format of the data in the columns (Options - Misc).
- + Parameter Z - the number, the current time, or elapsed time.
- * Bug was fixed in 'Trace Data' dialog.
- * Bug was fixed: fill between points and axie X.
- 1.409 (18 Oct. 2004)
- + Snap to Grid when drawing the points.
- + Data Fill options - fill X or Y in table with const step.
- + Quick preview in 'Build fonction on formula' dialog and in
- 'Fit with non-linear function' dialog.
- + In Transform points dialog Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical
- options were enhanced,
- + Simulate data with random error (Transform - Copy - dialog).
- + With a 'user model' plugin it is possible to include your own
- equations and curve fitting models. Example C source code for
- a 'user model' plugin is provided.
- Alternatively, if you're unaccustomed to writing DLL's we'd be
- happy to produce a plugin for licensed users at no charge,
- + Fill between curves, lines, and points.
- + Characters from the Symbol or Math font (Greek characters, etc.)
- in the axis labels of your plots
- + Cubic interpolation.
- + Fitting Log was changed.
- * Bug was fixed. In formula string only six significant digits were
- printed. In new version all 16 significant digits are printed in formula.
- 1.407 (23 Sep. 2004)
- + FindGraph is a multilingual software.
- It supports English language now. If you can help us
- to implement the support to another language,
- please send your email to Sergey Vasilyev at: serg@uniphiz.com.
- + Convex Hull
- + Information on points series: 'Select All' button.
- + Approximation with parametric line:
- Y(u) = a*sin(u)+..., Y(u) = b*cos(u)+...,
- * Bug fixed than digitize points manually.
- 1.405 (05 Jul. 2004)
- + Nonlinear regression initial parameter values are calculated now,
- depending upon X,Y limits. This will help you to select the best
- initial parameter values by plotting the curve before the actual
- fitting and comparing it to the data.
- + Plugin DISTLINE.DLL was added .
- V(U) = A0 + A1*U + ... +An*U^N
- This find the line that minimizes the perpendicular distance
- between line and points.
- This is so called 'Deming regression'. It fits a polynomial
- line assuming equal experimental errors in both U and V.
- In contrast, ordinary regression assumes that the U values
- are known precisely and all the experimental error is in V.
- See distline.txt for details.
- + Formula length is limited 1024 (was 256) symbols.
- * Bug fixed. Sometimes edge points were excluded from fitting.
- 1.404 (23 Jun. 2004)
- + Distances between points and points/functions
- 1.403 (12 Jun. 2004)
- * Bug fixed. Not all non-linear fitting parameters were initialized.
- + Several new non-linear fitting models were added
- (Decaying sinusoid, Dose response, Power series).
- 1.402 (29 May 2004)
- + Distance between points in trace dialog.
- + Possible to change step in trace dialog.
- + Histogramm (the distribution of variables).
- * Bug fixed. Standard error of the estimate was
- calculated as sum/N, but must be sum/(N-1).
- 1.401 (22 May 2004)
- + Linear Regression.
- 1.397 Release (08 Apr. 2004)
- + Second axie.
- + Axie labels (scientific, date, time).
- 1.396 Release (27 Mar. 2004)
- + Interpolation Wizard.
- + Interpolations
- + Curve fitting in polar coordinates.
- + Feature to Append saved plot.
- * Automation methods bugs fixed.
- * New price.
- 1.37 Release (14 Dec. 2003)
- + Digitization Wizard.
- + Quick change scale dialog.
- + New import data dialog.
- + Background image filters.
- + New selective tool 'Brushed Area'.
- 1.33 Release (01 Oct. 2003)
- + Automation methods (fitting) was added.
- Examples (VB) were included.
- + Automation methods documentation in FindGraph.chm
- was updated.
- + Plugin FIT_EXP.DLL was added .
- y = a + b *(1 - exp(c*x))
- + Plugin FIT_2EXP.DLL was added .
- y = a + b *exp(-(x-x0)/c) + d*exp(-(x-x0)^2/g^2)
- + Tip of Day
- 1.321 Release (27 Aug. 2003)
- + Plugin LINES_POL.DLL was added.
- Calculates polynomial approximation on each step of interval.
- 1.32 Release (24 Aug. 2003)
- + The fitting parameters, as well as related statistics, are displayed
- in the Fitting Log. You can print this results or save as HTML page.
- + Feature to recalculate scales quickly to view all points selected.
- 1.312 Release (18 Aug. 2003)
- * Bug fixed: serie selection was wrong
- * Bug fixed: than create fitting curve, default function name was wrong
- 1.31 Release (08 Aug. 2003)
- 1.30 Beta (31 Jul. 2003)
- + A library of over 120 industry-specific formulas to fit data
- (exponential, sygmoidal, asymptotic, peakform, waveform).
- + The simplex and gradient algorithms for quick nonlinear regression performance.
- + A library of 70 famous 2-D curves (parametric, polar, cartesian).
- You can vary the number of parameters.
- 1.27 Release (14 Jul. 2003)
- 1.26 Beta (09 Jul. 2003)
- + You can transform data:
- * Smooth;
- * Subtract baseline or any series data or formula you input;
- * Differentiate (first and second derivatives);
- * Integrate.
- + You can trace data and functions:
- * X,Y values, first and second derivatives;
- * Calculate definite integral;
- * Calculate intersections, minimum and maximum peaks;
- * Tabulate function.
- 1.25 Beta (01 Jun. 2003)
- + You can input desirable formula to transform selected points coordinates,
- and create new series of points. It is possible to use functions
- (approximations) you created as parameters.
- * Possible to change function's description.
- 1.24 Beta (17 May 2003)
- + Non-linear fitting was added. You can input desirable formula
- (analytical function) and vary the number of parameters.
- + Several GDI+ functions were used.
- 1.20 Release (21 Nov. 2002)
- + The program supports OLE automation now and can be built-in in user
- software. Examples (VB, C++) are included.
- + Automation methods documentation in FindGraph.chm
- * COM server bug fixed.
- 1.11 Release (11 Nov. 2002)
- * Registration bug fixed.
- 1.10 Release (09 Oct. 2002)
- + Ability to build parametric graphs X(u,v), Y(u,v) added.
- It is possible to draw families of lines with a given step
- of parameter.
- + You can draw Bessel, Beta, Gamma, Normal and simple math functions.
- + Ability to quickly hide/show series of points and graphs added.
- + The points in text file may be delimited with ';' and '|'.
- * Some major bugs fixed.
- 1.01 Release (05 Sep. 2002)
- + Help updated.
- + Online help added.
- 1.0 Release (24 Aug 2002)
- * Some major bugs fixed.
- + Save/Restore Windows position.
- + Button 'Fit size'added.
- It recalculates plot size to use full workspace
- 0.98 Beta (18 July 2002)
- + Approximation functions added:
- Logistic;
- Fourier;
- Neural network;
- + You can use your own algorithm as Plug-In.
- 0.95 Beta (17 June 2002)
- 0.94 Beta (06 June 2002)
- ----------------------------------------------
- FindGraph is CrossDot simplified program.
- Main changes:
- + FindGraph does not support
- automation methods of CrossDot.
- + FindGraph is not OLE container.
- + FindGraph document format (*.fgr)
- is compatibly with CrossDot format (*.crs)
- without OLE objects.
- * several bugs fixed.
- + build areas from distribution feature removed.
- + gradient fill option removed.
- CrossDot 1.03 (09/14/2001) last public release
- CrossDot 1.0 (07/18/2001) first public release
- ----------------------------------------------
- Internal versions are not logged here
- + new feature
- * improvement/modification or bug fix