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FindGraph: versions history
1.702 (25 Sep. 2006)
+ The feature to shear and to twist background image.
+ Add dialog to select the number of points to tabulate function.
+ The feature to keep only the points you selected in 'Prune' dialog.
+ Procrustes analysis:
a feature to translate, rotate, scale, shear a reference cluster of landmarks,
so that the distance of each reference landmark to it's corresponding 'experimental'
landmark is minimised.
1.613 (26 Jul. 2006)
+ Second derivative in 'Trace function - tabulate' dialog
+ Show progress bar then starting the digitisation wizard using large background files,
* Bug was fixed: then using the calibration (digitizing) points
with coordinates X1 > X2 (or Y1 > Y2) we get error.
1.602 (30 Jun. 2006)
+ The feature to determine the coordinate system then digitizing,
using the calibration points, of which the coordinates are known
and can be entered.
+ The feature to adjust the plot size to the background image size.
+ 'Scroll View Window'. Use this window to scroll main program window then digitizing
the background pictures that exceed your monitor size.
+ Double Exponential and Weibull Distribution were added.
* Bug fixed: the fourier fitting produced a wrong formula although
the fitting line and table results were right.
1.572 (7 Jun. 2006)
+ Scroll graph then trace data.
+ Feature to label selected points.
+ A crosshair digitizing cursor.
+ Several built-in functions were added.
+ Buttons 'Clear' and 'Number' in dialog 'Commentary' were added.
* to avoid MFC message AFX_IDP_FAILED_TO_AUTO_REGISTER "Failed to update the system registry"
FindGraph Updates Registry only if RegWritePossible
1.560 (24 May. 2006)
+ Axis property 'Semi-band'.
+ Histogramm view.
+ Show cursor for selected data in dilog 'Information on points series'.
+ Automation property 'Weighting'.
1.555 (01 May. 2006)
+ Feature to find and change scale to view several series on one screen.
+ Table with data and calculated curve and std error in curve fitting dialog.
+ Horizontal legend.
+ Step line style was added.
+ Feature to copy to Clipboard Bezier interpolation endpoints and control points.
1.530 (22 Mar. 2006)
+ Version includes a redesigned interface and adds various
plotting enhancements.
+ Scroll and scale with mouse click on axis area.
+ Data grid in 'transform' dialogs.
+ Feature to change scale to view different series on one screen
+ Feature to apply function in transform-copy dialog.
+ Logarithmic coordinates.
* Bug was fixed: polar to cartesian coordinates conversion.
1.504 (01 Feb. 2006)
+ Added Baseline automatic correction feature.
+ Added Low-pass filter to smoothing models.
+ Closing filter was added (useful to exclude grid lines
then digitizing).
* Bug was fixed: Digitize with fixed step.
* Bug was fixed: Too slow draw data series with number of
points greater 2000.
1.503 (13 Jan. 2006)
+ B-splines interpolation and B-splines least squares approximation.
+ A least squares approximation for parametric
Sine and Cosine curves was enhanced.
The number of possible harmonics was increased up to 60.
+ Add derivatives in 'Trace function: Tabulate' dialog.
* Bug was fixed: add data from clipboard.
* Bug was fixed in Fourier periodic signals extraction.
* Bug was fixed: exclude grid lines then digitizing.
1.495 (07 Dec. 2005)
+ Bezier interpolation.
+ Use 'Information' cursor to scroll.
1.491 (07 Nov. 2005)
+ Fourier periodic signals extraction.
+ Log Scale in FFT (Wavelet) Filters dialog.
+ Scatter diagram and Quality histogram in fitting log.
1.484 (16 Oct. 2005) Beta
+ Feature to add Fitting Conditions.
+ Polynomial:
y = a +b*(x-c)*(x-d)*(x-g)*(x-h)*(x-k)
y = a+b*sin(PI*x/c)+d*sin(PI*x/g)+h*sin(PI*x/k)
y = a+b*sin(PI*(x-c)/d)+g*sin(PI*(x-h)/k)
+ Several built-in functions were added.
+ Bring to Front button places the object at the front of the z-order.
* Bug was fixed in automation method FindGraph.ArrayVar
1.483 (15 Sep. 2005)
+ Import from Excel.
+ DateTime format support.
+ Gradient fill.
+ Minor ticks.
1.482 Beta (28 Aug. 2005)
+User models:
Damped pendulum , A +F*exp(-Bx)*cos(C*(x-D))
Sine + Line , A + Bx + F*sin(C*(x-D))
Clapeyron's , A/log(x/B) - C
Piecewise linear A + C*(x-A), x < A
A + D*(x-A), x > A
Piecewise Parabola
Triangle function
Rectangle function
5th order Polynomial function with center, y = y0 + c*(x-x0) + ... + h*(x-x0)^5
Rational5, y = (a+bx+cx2)/(1+dx+gx2)
Rational7, y = (a+bx+cx2+dx3)/(1+gx+hx2+kx3)
Exponential Decay 3, y = a + b*exp(-u/c) + d*exp(-u/g) + h*exp(-u/k)
Exponential Growth 3, y = a + b*exp(u/c) + d*exp(u/g) + h*exp(u/k)
Logarithm 3-1, y = a + b*ln(x-c)
LogPoly, y = a + b*ln(1+c*x+d*x^2)
Logistic 5, y = a + (b-a) / (1 + ((x-c)/d)^g)
Asymmetrical Gaussian, y = a + b*exp(-(x-c)^2/2d^2), x<c else y = a + b*exp(-(x-c)^2/2g^2), x>c
Asymmetrical Power , y = a + b*(x-c)^d, x<c else y = a + b*(x-c)^g, x>c
Asymmetrical Sigmoidal, y =a+ b*(1/(1+exp(-(x-c+g/2)/d)))*(1-1/(1+exp(-(x-c-g/2)/h)))
Pulse, y = a + b*(1-exp(-(x-c)/d))^g * exp(-(x-c)/h)
Inverse polynomial peak function, y = a + b / (1 + g*z^2 + h*z^4 + k*z^6), z = 2(x-c)/d
Gram-Charlier peak function, y = a+ b/d/sqr(2pi)*exp(-z^2/2)*(1+H3*g +H4*h), z = (x-c)/d, H3(z) = (z3-3z)/6, H4(z) = (z4-6z3+3)/24
Edgeworth-Cramer peak function, y = a+ b/d/sqr(2pi)*exp(-z^2/2)*(1+H3*g +H4*h + H6*k), z = (x-c)/d, H3(z) = (z3-3z)/6, H4(z) = (z4-6z3+3)/24, H6(z) = (z6-15z4+45z2-15)/72
Pseudo-Voigt peak function, y = a + b*(g/d/(1+(2(x-c)/d)^2) + (1-g)/h*exp(-(2(x-c)/h)^2))
Beta , y = a+b*z^g*(1-z)^h, z = (x-c)/d
BetaExp, y = a+b*(x-c)^d/(1+exp(x-g)/k)^h
Sine2, y = a + b*sin(pi*(x-c)/d)
SineSqr2, y = a + b*(sin(pi*(x-c)/d))^2
Fourier3, y = a + d*cos(c*x+b) + g*cos(c*x+b) + h*cos(c*x+b)
Sinc, y = a + b*sin(z)/z, z= pi*(x-c)/d
+ Gradient fill.
1.480 Beta (18 Aug. 2005)
+ Triangulation.
+ Several built-in functions were added.
+ Polynomials (Chebyshev, Legendre, Laguerre,
Hermite, Neumann).
+ Increase the number of Fourier harmonics to 100.
+ New workspace background color.
1.472 (02 Aug. 2005)
+ Added the convolution and the correlation features.
+ Several built-in functions were added.
1.462 (04 July 2005)
+ Added curve fitting models:
Gaussian + Exp, Gaussian + Line, Gaussian + Parabola
* Bug was fixed: Exp and any function f(u) > 1.e3 disapper from screen.
+ Added Kalman filter to smoothing models.
1.456 (29 May 2005)
+ Added Menu item <Analysis><Normalize>.
* Bug was fixed: Startup with mouse double click exhibited error.
1.452 (21 May 2005)
+ Added the ability to plot labels to display the numbers of
data points and or to display the X (Y, Z) values for data points.
+ The Daubechies Wavelet Tranform for digitally filtering data.
+ Added the ability to to select the arithmetic mean or the
harmonic mean or the geometric mean to average points in
'Transform-Prune' dialog.
+ Several built-in functions were added.
+ Added the ability to recalculate scales to view all data quickly.
+ Polar coordinates.
+ Added the ability to select conform coordinates conversion.
1.435 (04 Apr. 2005)
* Bug was fixed: Startup with parameter exhibited error.
1.434 (31 Mar. 2005)
+ Parameters x ( X ) and y ( Y )
in 'Find best curve fit' Wizard.
1.430 (03 Mar. 2005)
+ Feature to find the best equation automatically
with 'Find best curve fit' Wizard.
1.423 (15 Feb. 2005)
+ Feature to read text file and to add all table columns as
new points series immediately.
* Convex Hull calculation bug was fixed.
1.422 (03 Feb. 2005)
* Bug was fixed: in <Trace> dialog Findgraph did not copy data
to the Clipboard.
1.420 (12 Jan. 2005)
+ Various plotting enhancements, including different point symbols,
error indicators and brushes.
+ New plot text formatting features, such as superscripting and
subscripting, Greek symbols, lines and images.
+ Feature to calculate the arc length (distance along the curve).
+ Parametric line curve fitting model
X(u) = X0 + A1*sin(u)+...+An*cos(n*u),
Y(u) = Y0 + B1*sin(u)+...+Dn*cos(n*u).
+ Feature to restore default settings.
* Bug was fixed. Findgraph does not always extrapolate user defined
1.412 (10 Dec. 2004)
+ Added Fourier approximation coefficients to Fitting Log.
+ Feature to rotate background image in <Background Picture> dialog.
1.411 (01 Dec. 2004)
+ Weighting methods (Statistical, Instrumental, Direct).
+ Error bars. You can specify the size of each point's error bar
individually (error bar column).
+ FFT Filters to eliminate noise (Transform - FFT Filter).
+ Normalize dialog (Transform - Normalize) to normalize data.
+ Prune dialog (Transform - Prune) to skip rows, and to exclude points.
+ Feature (Transform - Remove) to exclude random spikes or
to exclude close points.
+ In <Transform-copy> dialog add 'exchange Y-Z' command.
+ Fast Fourier Transformation (dialog 'Number of points')
+ Numerical format of the data in the columns (Options - Misc).
+ Parameter Z - the number, the current time, or elapsed time.
* Bug was fixed in 'Trace Data' dialog.
* Bug was fixed: fill between points and axie X.
1.409 (18 Oct. 2004)
+ Snap to Grid when drawing the points.
+ Data Fill options - fill X or Y in table with const step.
+ Quick preview in 'Build fonction on formula' dialog and in
'Fit with non-linear function' dialog.
+ In Transform points dialog Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical
options were enhanced,
+ Simulate data with random error (Transform - Copy - dialog).
+ With a 'user model' plugin it is possible to include your own
equations and curve fitting models. Example C source code for
a 'user model' plugin is provided.
Alternatively, if you're unaccustomed to writing DLL's we'd be
happy to produce a plugin for licensed users at no charge,
+ Fill between curves, lines, and points.
+ Characters from the Symbol or Math font (Greek characters, etc.)
in the axis labels of your plots
+ Cubic interpolation.
+ Fitting Log was changed.
* Bug was fixed. In formula string only six significant digits were
printed. In new version all 16 significant digits are printed in formula.
1.407 (23 Sep. 2004)
+ FindGraph is a multilingual software.
It supports English language now. If you can help us
to implement the support to another language,
please send your email to Sergey Vasilyev at: serg@uniphiz.com.
+ Convex Hull
+ Information on points series: 'Select All' button.
+ Approximation with parametric line:
Y(u) = a*sin(u)+..., Y(u) = b*cos(u)+...,
* Bug fixed than digitize points manually.
1.405 (05 Jul. 2004)
+ Nonlinear regression initial parameter values are calculated now,
depending upon X,Y limits. This will help you to select the best
initial parameter values by plotting the curve before the actual
fitting and comparing it to the data.
+ Plugin DISTLINE.DLL was added .
V(U) = A0 + A1*U + ... +An*U^N
This find the line that minimizes the perpendicular distance
between line and points.
This is so called 'Deming regression'. It fits a polynomial
line assuming equal experimental errors in both U and V.
In contrast, ordinary regression assumes that the U values
are known precisely and all the experimental error is in V.
See distline.txt for details.
+ Formula length is limited 1024 (was 256) symbols.
* Bug fixed. Sometimes edge points were excluded from fitting.
1.404 (23 Jun. 2004)
+ Distances between points and points/functions
1.403 (12 Jun. 2004)
* Bug fixed. Not all non-linear fitting parameters were initialized.
+ Several new non-linear fitting models were added
(Decaying sinusoid, Dose response, Power series).
1.402 (29 May 2004)
+ Distance between points in trace dialog.
+ Possible to change step in trace dialog.
+ Histogramm (the distribution of variables).
* Bug fixed. Standard error of the estimate was
calculated as sum/N, but must be sum/(N-1).
1.401 (22 May 2004)
+ Linear Regression.
1.397 Release (08 Apr. 2004)
+ Second axie.
+ Axie labels (scientific, date, time).
1.396 Release (27 Mar. 2004)
+ Interpolation Wizard.
+ Interpolations
+ Curve fitting in polar coordinates.
+ Feature to Append saved plot.
* Automation methods bugs fixed.
* New price.
1.37 Release (14 Dec. 2003)
+ Digitization Wizard.
+ Quick change scale dialog.
+ New import data dialog.
+ Background image filters.
+ New selective tool 'Brushed Area'.
1.33 Release (01 Oct. 2003)
+ Automation methods (fitting) was added.
Examples (VB) were included.
+ Automation methods documentation in FindGraph.chm
was updated.
+ Plugin FIT_EXP.DLL was added .
y = a + b *(1 - exp(c*x))
+ Plugin FIT_2EXP.DLL was added .
y = a + b *exp(-(x-x0)/c) + d*exp(-(x-x0)^2/g^2)
+ Tip of Day
1.321 Release (27 Aug. 2003)
+ Plugin LINES_POL.DLL was added.
Calculates polynomial approximation on each step of interval.
1.32 Release (24 Aug. 2003)
+ The fitting parameters, as well as related statistics, are displayed
in the Fitting Log. You can print this results or save as HTML page.
+ Feature to recalculate scales quickly to view all points selected.
1.312 Release (18 Aug. 2003)
* Bug fixed: serie selection was wrong
* Bug fixed: than create fitting curve, default function name was wrong
1.31 Release (08 Aug. 2003)
1.30 Beta (31 Jul. 2003)
+ A library of over 120 industry-specific formulas to fit data
(exponential, sygmoidal, asymptotic, peakform, waveform).
+ The simplex and gradient algorithms for quick nonlinear regression performance.
+ A library of 70 famous 2-D curves (parametric, polar, cartesian).
You can vary the number of parameters.
1.27 Release (14 Jul. 2003)
1.26 Beta (09 Jul. 2003)
+ You can transform data:
* Smooth;
* Subtract baseline or any series data or formula you input;
* Differentiate (first and second derivatives);
* Integrate.
+ You can trace data and functions:
* X,Y values, first and second derivatives;
* Calculate definite integral;
* Calculate intersections, minimum and maximum peaks;
* Tabulate function.
1.25 Beta (01 Jun. 2003)
+ You can input desirable formula to transform selected points coordinates,
and create new series of points. It is possible to use functions
(approximations) you created as parameters.
* Possible to change function's description.
1.24 Beta (17 May 2003)
+ Non-linear fitting was added. You can input desirable formula
(analytical function) and vary the number of parameters.
+ Several GDI+ functions were used.
1.20 Release (21 Nov. 2002)
+ The program supports OLE automation now and can be built-in in user
software. Examples (VB, C++) are included.
+ Automation methods documentation in FindGraph.chm
* COM server bug fixed.
1.11 Release (11 Nov. 2002)
* Registration bug fixed.
1.10 Release (09 Oct. 2002)
+ Ability to build parametric graphs X(u,v), Y(u,v) added.
It is possible to draw families of lines with a given step
of parameter.
+ You can draw Bessel, Beta, Gamma, Normal and simple math functions.
+ Ability to quickly hide/show series of points and graphs added.
+ The points in text file may be delimited with ';' and '|'.
* Some major bugs fixed.
1.01 Release (05 Sep. 2002)
+ Help updated.
+ Online help added.
1.0 Release (24 Aug 2002)
* Some major bugs fixed.
+ Save/Restore Windows position.
+ Button 'Fit size'added.
It recalculates plot size to use full workspace
0.98 Beta (18 July 2002)
+ Approximation functions added:
Neural network;
+ You can use your own algorithm as Plug-In.
0.95 Beta (17 June 2002)
0.94 Beta (06 June 2002)
FindGraph is CrossDot simplified program.
Main changes:
+ FindGraph does not support
automation methods of CrossDot.
+ FindGraph is not OLE container.
+ FindGraph document format (*.fgr)
is compatibly with CrossDot format (*.crs)
without OLE objects.
* several bugs fixed.
+ build areas from distribution feature removed.
+ gradient fill option removed.
CrossDot 1.03 (09/14/2001) last public release
CrossDot 1.0 (07/18/2001) first public release
Internal versions are not logged here
+ new feature
* improvement/modification or bug fix